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Lebanon Senior High School
Class of 1968
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Missing Classmates
If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.
Nick Baldwin
Edward Eugene Batts
Pamela Belcher (Scott)
Colleen Billeter (Holland)
John Blake
Steven Bol
Brent Bramblett
Brent Brown
Wayne Capps
Mike Cline
Marcy Cox
Mike Culley
Jeff Davis
Jane Ann Dawson (Schenck)
Jerry Dean
Ruthie DeLaRosa (Baker)
Anna Denning (Gray)
Randy Edrington
Mike Fisher
Rosalie Fisher (Hunsinger)
Deloris Flick (Linedecker)
John Foreman
Linda French (Cleland)
David Gayer
Lee Goeke
Mike Gross
Pam Guenther (Carney)
Dianna Hale (Snyder)
Susan Halon (Pauley)
Diana Harp (Lee)
David Hicks
Randy Hickson
Terry Hofer (Klepfer)
Anita Holland (Hair)
Diana Hughes (Stultz)
Mary Ann Jordan (McMurray)
Sara Lawson (Kennedy)
Steve Lewis
Sharon Lloyd (Anderson)
Bill Martin
Chris Meneely
Nancy Molello (Setzer)
Danny Moore
Marcy Parcels (Swihart)
Lana Peabody (Smith)
Barbara Perrine (Loudermilk)
Tom Porter
Becky Pratt (Chester)
Janie Rhoades (McKinsey)
Marilyn Rockstroh
Larry Rowland
Francis Salazar
Gary Sanders
Judy Smith (Abbett)
Ron Smith
Therse Smith (Morrison)
Linda Southern (Waggoner)
Cindy Southworth (Nall)
Sharon Sparks
Donna Stencel (Barrett)
Patricia Stewart (Wallace)
Charles Strychalski
Marcia Surber (Rady)
Francine Tanselle (Jaggers)
Marilyn Tanselle (Gamboa)
Betty Vansickle
Joyce Venis (Bougher)
Mary Wagoner (Wilson)
Georgia Ward (Wells)
Shirley Watts (Galbraith)
Bob Wethington
Susie Whiteley (Selby)
Linda Wines
Nancy Wright (Zeller)
Linda Yaryan (Trent)
Stephanie Young (Walters)